
十四代 中取り 播州山田錦 純米吟釀 720ml
HK$ 3180

產地: 日本

包裝規格: 720ml

酒精濃度: ABV15%

品牌: 十四代

種類: 清酒

精米步合 35% 的超特撰,以清新而綿密的口感著稱,飽滿豐富的哈密瓜、青蘋果、瓜果香氣,漸次呈現秀雅米香;擁有生貯蔵酒的新鮮淡麗,卻不失層次與圓潤,而綿延悠長的尾韻,更凸顯酒質細緻精深。

- Purchasers of intoxicating alcoholic products (beverages containing 1.2% ethanol by volume) must be at least 18 years old.

- If the courier has any doubts about the recipient's age (under 18 years old), the courier will ask the recipient to present an ID card or proof of age.

This item is a retail product and is not eligible for consumption in Bar Pacific outlets.


購買滿$600, 免運費


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